I used to have a blog called, So Blessed So Strong So Thankful. For two years it was a hoot, but life got kind of stuffy and I was ready for fresh changes in every sort of way. As part of that re-invention of myself, so to speak, I decided to pack away ole SBSSST and start anew. I'm still a very blessed, strong, and thankful girl, but this blog is a little more relevant to the way my life is going now. Read the inspiration behind the new title:
I've lived away from home for over six years and the older I get, the more I miss home.
I've lived away from home for over six years and the older I get, the more I miss home.
And that is true. No matter how many friends you make or experiences you create, you can never quite re-create home. There's something sacred about the piece of sky that watched over your childhood and the faces who know you the best. There's an easy feeling that comes over me as I cross back into the hometown county line that separated me from the rest of the world for the first eighteen years of my life. There are perks to staying there forever, sheltered and protected by those who want your happiness the most. But for some, there are things you can't learn and a person you can't become in the midst of all that shelter. As it currently stands, I'm one of those people. As enticing the idea of living forever in a place where everyone knows my name, I also like the thought of going out and doing something that turns heads and makes people say, "dude, who's the new chic? what's her name?"
Looking back, I realize I've learned many things I never would have gotten the chance to learn in the shelter and security of home. In a town called Columbus, a beloved city of many, I learned things like...patience, how to juggle 72 million things at once, how to get along with people who are way different than me, how to make connections, how to keep in touch with the people who mean the most to me, and how to handle myself when things don't work out quite like I thought they would. Dude, I cut my teeth in this town.
Sometimes I get anxious about where my kids will grow up, where they'll go to school, how often they'll see their cousins...because I just want their childhood to be as sweet as mine...and I know it will all work out in due time. So for now, I'm fortunate to have the best of both worlds. In my life, I live most of the time galavanting around the world (an open field with a strong chance of rain)...but as luck would have it, every once in a while I go running back home (the shelter house that gives rest from the storm and shade from the sun). Home...that unrepeatable place that fills my heart back up, those faces that know me so well. The world...that wide-open place that calls my gypsy heart to adventure, those faces I've yet to meet.
Success and happiness for me means balance. A balance of hopes and dreams, love and friendship...see the world, come home for love.