
Alright, so here's the deal.  This blog is my personal space where I share snippets of my life in words and pictures.  I love doing that and I love living my abundantly blessed life.  Sometimes I'm gonna drop the J-bomb and talk about know, how He loves much I love Him...and what this Jesus/God/Lord character is up to in my life.  I would not be doing my heart or my Savior justice by keeping this information to myself.

Let me be clear about this:
I am NOT perfect by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I claim to know everything or have all the answers.

Why I write about my faith:
My faith, my salvation, the Lord is the central hub of my life that all other aspects are attached to and flow from, so I can't separate it from everything else I write about.  I like to picture a circle that represents my faith, with other circles attached and overlapping it which represent every other area of my life.  That's the relationship.    

I think we're meant to share the things we learn with each other.  We're called to encourage each other, so anytime I share something it's not because I want you to know how "good" I am, it's because I think someone out there could also benefit from something that I'm learning.  My life is a beautiful mess that God is continually putting in order, so don't ever mistake me for someone who thinks she has it all figured out.  Just like every other at least semi-meaningful thing I ever happen to write, spiritual thoughts come to me based off of life experience, things that have been placed on my heart, or something that was revealed to me.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." -Helen Keller
I think that life with the Lord is more than daring, it's a double-daring, crazy, out of control adventure and it would be a shame not to record it in black and white, don't you think?    

What this means for my readers:
I hope that something I say can be of use to you and maybe encourage you at just the right time.  In no way do I expect everyone to agree with what I believe.  This is not an attempt to cram Jesus down your throat or make you feel guilty or condemned, it's quite the opposite really.  If you scroll down the page and see the J-bomb dropped a few times, and that makes you uncomfortable, go ahead and skip that part if you'd like.  If something I share is confusing and you want to ask me about it, drop me an email and I'll try and better communicate what I mean.  If something I share is inspiring to you, or you have a better outlook or a personal story you'd like to share, comment so we can all benefit or send me an email...I would love that!

Also, you really should know that I've been known to drop a "damn" here and a "hell" there.  When that happens, just back the train up and calm yourself down.  I've also been known to enjoy a margarita or two, but it doesn't mean I'm goin' to hell in a hand basket.  I'm human and I just like the way a few swear words can pack a punch, ya know what I'm sayin'?

Every person will not agree with every single thing I write, and that's okay.  Just like we all worship in a different way, I think we also interpret things differently and face the challenges of life with a unique style.  It's no big deal, it's not about right or's just about us being who we really are and sharing our story with the world. 

Pinky promise I'll give it my best shot.  XoXo